Friday 9 December 2011

Schools' bad boys (girls) - what shoul be done?

Bad boys and girls always give headache to their schools. Among their favourite activities are skipping class, running away from school, smoking cigarettes, and to certain extent, fighting either individually or in groups.

How do schools punish them? Most of the time their school will give them (stern) warnings first. If warnings are no more effective, canning might be applied (if permisssible and not recommended). Next step might be to suspend them from school, maybe for a few days or a few weeks. Hey wait! Suspend them from school? This is what they want actually! This is what they all aim for. No school means they are free to wander around, and this might lead to  them to commit crimes.

Any ideas what should be done to correct them? What about keeping them at school? What? Keeping them at school? Are you out of your mind? Don't you realize they hate school? Well, let me explain.

Yes, we must understand that they don't really want to go to school. They hate school. We could assume that academic is not their interest. They don't really enjoy being at school.  They hate being in the classroom. Why? Maybe because classrooms are not the right place for them to show off their true skills. But how about making them enjoy going to school? But not necessary keeping them in the classroom.

Let's dig what their interest are. They might be interested in football, singing or doing maintenance work. Make a deal with them. Tell them they are allowed to pursue their interest. But they must remain in school throughout school sessions. while polishing their skills or interest.  Attending class is not compulsory but they are always wellcome to join class especially subject(s) that are of interest to them.

If football is their interest, then let them play football. . Tell them they are wellcome to play football but they must play it at school ground. They can play football throughout school session.  If they are good enough, let them play for their school. If the numbers of them are enough to form futsall team, then arrange friendly matches with other teams. Who knows they might become Messi of Malaysia?

If their interest is singing, then let them practice singing at school!  Allow them to use musical instruments at school. Tell them once their singing is good, they will be invited to sing at the school canteen during recess. Better still, they can perform during school assembly. Who knows they are future champions of Akademi Fantasia? (Well, too bad  Akademi Fantasia has been discontinued).

If their interest is in hardware equipments or handytools, then let them involve in doing maintenance jobs at school. They can work together with maintenance contractor (if permissible) or rather with "tukang kebun" Give them some pocket money (if permissible).  Who knows from there, they will become interested to form their own maintenance service company? Well, another enterprenuer is born!

The whole idea is to keep them at school while building up their interest. Well, I am only giving my ideas. It might sound radical. It might sound ridiculous. It might even sound scarry to be applied.  But in my view, we must start and try something  new, something unconvensional. Who knows it might work wonders? However, with due respect I leave it to the Education Ministry to decide.

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