Sunday 18 December 2011

Obesity among school kids - let them play

Well, a few days ago our Health Minister had mentioned obesity among children is worrying. A meeting between the Health Ministry and food manfacturers was held afterwards. It was agreed that among other things sugar content in food is to be reduced. No sweat, I agree 100%. But what about making our school kids sweat? And I mean sweat a lot.

The idea is to let our kids play, and play a lot if possible. It is their childhood anyway. Kids like to play, ( they are supposed to) so let them play. Don't spoil their childhood. Let them play, let them sweat, sweat and sweat.
School might take initiatives to get the kids to "play in school". Let the kids get another perception that they can also play in school. They are allowed to play in school. They are welcomed to play in school. School is not just about academic, books, books and more books, exams, exams and more exams.
I know that we already have sports clubs at school. I know that our Education Ministry have a policy of "one kid one sport". Now how about making sports played throughout school term? Currently attention to sports are only given during the first and second school term. Third term is the time to concentrate on studies. Okay no sweat, let's fully utilise that first and second terms.
How about making all kids involve? I believe currently not all kids are involved. Only those who are good at sports play while the rest shy away from sports. Why? You know why. But how to get all of them play? 
It is important for them to understand that winning the match is not everything. There is a lot more waiting for them. Self-satisfaction, enjoyment, healthy bodies and mind, wider friendship are among the rewards waiting for them. Winning medals is just a bonus.
Let's form a league. Take football for example. Let the kids form their own football team. Let them choose their team mates.  General guidelines might be to have Under 13's, Under 14's,  or by their classrooms. Matches are played every week. Volleyball? Yup, same guidelines apply. And so are other sports.
Let's have divisions to separate the good and the not so good. Fair play is the idea here. Kids will enjoy more playing againts those who are about their same level. Just like football league, they have division 1, division 2 and so on. But this time it is slightly different. Afer preliminary rounds are played, the winners are grouped into Division 1. The losers are grouped into Division 2, or 3 and so on. In that way the losers can still have games/matches to play and not merely become spectators.

Next, let's have a "Play All-day" day. Pick one day and let the kids know they are going to school only to play, yup only to play, no books. Sound revolutionary? Maybe. I think we are already putting too much pressure on our kids to get big results in exams. Mind you, there are life apart from exams. If we are dare enough, then, pick one day of the school day, any day from Monday to Friday, say Wednesday, and tell the kids that day is "play day". Of course, it is up to our Education Ministry to decide, not me. I can only suggest.

Benefits to kids? Well, I suppose you already know. Research done shows that kids who play tend to have better communication skills and wiser. And don't forget, fitter bodies. No more obesity. Don't you want your kids to be like that? I want.

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