Tuesday 13 December 2011

2nd water tank - rain water

Reminder and warnings have been given to us of the possibilty of water shortage in Selangor in year 2012.
Our government and water supplier keep on reminding the users to be always thoughtful when using our precious water. Have we as users done anything yet? Or we don't? We might take for granted that water is abundant in our country. We have rain throughout the year, especially during monsoon season. But come dry season, we start counting every drop of water. Remember Melaka a few years ago?

We could start by collecting rain water. Don't let the rain water go by the drains uncollected. We can use drums to collect rain water which are available at hardware shops. For a more adventerous person, you can set up a second water tank similar to current water tank. 

Remember that rain water is to be considered as untreated water. So it is not advisable to use it for drinking.  However you can use it for washing your cars, watering you plants and even washing your house. I am not so sure if it can be used for laundry, but hey, remember some of our old folks used to use rain water for washing clothes and even their dish?
The government might encourage housing developers to integrate second water tank in their house plans. Or the housing developers could reserve some area in the house to accomodate the second water tank.
Help ourselves and help our government at the same time. We can reduce our treated water consumption. That will lead to lesser water bills. Less consumption means less pressure to the government to ensure sufficient water supply.
Hopefully water shortage will not become a reality.  Just can't take it anymore to Q-up for water. 

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