Sunday 11 December 2011

Keep left & you're always right

"Keep left and you are always right" That was what told to us new students by a policeman during our orientation week. That was way back in 1984 when I was studying in Australia. The concept is simple, when driving, keep to the left lane and we should arrive at our destination. And of course the concept does not apply if you have to turn right at the road junction to reach your destination. That is easy to understand why.

Unfortunately driving in Kuala Lumpur doesn't allow me to keep on the left lane all the time. I have to be constantly on alert. I mean the left lane might just come to an end and lead to a housing area! So I have to move to the right lane to continue my journey. Imagine the havoc if you are not used to the area. You might be caught by surprise. Still don't get what I mean? You can try yourself by driving from Ampang Point traffic light to Ampang Police Station. Dare yourself to keeping on the left lane. After only several hundred meters leaving the traffic light, the left lane will come to an end and the left lane will lead you to Taman Dato' Ahmad Razali housing area. Still want to go to Ampang Police Station? Well, you've got to change lane to the right lane, but not the far right lane. The far right lane will also come to an end after several hundred meters at a traffic light. See what I mean?

I do hope the concept of "keep left and you are always right" be applied throughout our road system. Let the drivers have peace of mind that they don't have to continuosly change lane. Let them feel they should be just fine by just keeping on the left lane. Driving is already stressfull, let's find a way to reduce it.

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